A full day of exploration took us to two remote locations of the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Belluda Caño in the morning and “El Dorado River” in the afternoon.  Very early, at around 0600 we were out already.  The early hours of the day are prefect to spot wildlife and we were fortunate for we saw a lot! Many bird species and a couple of monkey species, saddle-backed tamarins and monk saki monkeys, as well. After lunch, we had a mud therapy session in the Ucayali River banks near El Dorado River. On the late afternoon, we had plenty of time to go far and beyond El Dorado River. We experienced firsthand the extraordinary biodiversity that inhabit the rainforests. Our skilled naturalists handled to spot several bird species like horned screamers, wattled jacanas, yellow-billed terns, some birds of prey, several three-toed sloths and some few squirrel monkeys as well. As the day was getting dark we experienced from the comfort of the skiffs a night ride in the way back.