Sea Cloud approached Ithaca during a particularly intense colorful sunrise. The ship dropped anchor outside the Bay of Vathy, near a beach long identified as the spot where legendary Odysseus set foot upon his homeland after years of hardship travel. The ship’s Zodiacs whisked guests on a 2nm ride into the bay to the pier of the small, colorful and delightful port town. We proceeded on a coach tour of Ithaca, climbing up precipitous switchbacks to reach Kathara Monastery for a visit and immense views of the surrounding sea and coastlines. We continued through the rugged terrain and olive groves to the town of Stavros, reported to be near the site of Odysseus’ Bronze Age Palace. Here, guests enjoyed drinks and sweets in the local kafeneions.

Returning to Vathy, we bid farewell to our excellent Greek guides, Eleni and Gemma. Guests did some quick shopping or photography before returning to the ship for lunch. Sea Cloud motored out of the bay, bound for Albania. In the afternoon, Historian Rebecca informed and delighted guests with her lecture on the Ottoman Empire. Later, the ship’s staff provided a physical assessment to guests interested in the exciting prospect of climbing the mast.