An early breakfast was offered on National Geographic Orion as there was a lot to see and do in Napier before we set sail around 11:30 am. The Cape Kidnapper’s Gannet Safari was a popular option. Bird nerds, bird enthusiasts, and their closest friends boarded four-wheel drive vehicles for an adventure. An amazing scenic viewpoint of the cliffs and the chaotic gannet colony was the reward for a long and scenic drive to the end of the Cape. We observed gannets sitting on eggs, a few on hatchlings, and many of the birds greeted their partners and exchanged information about where to find food. Many of us watched a new gannet couple building their nest.

Other guests took a tour of the Art Deco architecture followed by a visit to Mission Estate Winery. After the devastating earthquake and resulting fire in February of 1931, Napier rebuilt in the style of the times. The town realized they are the best example of the Art Deco style in the world and thus has preserved this heritage. Guests visited the National Tobacco Company building, the most photographed Art Deco structure in Napier.

We had a couple talks by naturalists in the afternoon. During sunset, the albatrosses soared over the waves and through the wind. After dinner, it was movie night, a time to relax after a lovely day.