North Seymour is an incredible visitor site where guests can walk along colonies of nesting sea birds, like frigatebirds and blue-footed boobies. As we walked across this very dry island, we observed not only birds but land iguanas, playful baby sea lions, and a few marine iguanas.

In the afternoon we had our first snorkel of the week at the exotic Island of Rabida, which has a very rare type of sand. Its sand is red, as the lava which created it has a high content of iron that oxidizes with time. Along the coast, many colorful fish can be found, including whitetip reef sharks, and some guests even spotted an octopus!

After a quick change of clothes, we took our guests to explore the brackish water lagoon that is located behind this beach, and a big surprise was waiting for us. Flamingos are often found here in their natural habitat, and they are not afraid of humans so it’s possible to see them up close.