Today on National Geographic Endeavour II, after a smooth navigation to the east of Santa Cruz, we arrived at Santa Fe Island.

On this lovely morning we boarded the Zodiacs very early, to start with an amazing pre-breakfast outing along the cliffsides of the island. Our guests had a pleasurable time walking with dozens of very curious sea lions in a breeding colony at the beach. We also hiked deeper into the island to find the unique Santa Fe land iguana. Later in the morning, after a delicious breakfast, we went deep-water snorkeling to enjoy the deep blue with playful sea lions, lots of colorful fish, and Pacific green sea turtles.

After lunch, we repositioned the ship to another island, one of the oldest in Galapagos: San Cristobal. We went to a visitor site known as Cerro Brujo. Here the water is turquoise, and the beach is made of white sand — it looks like one of the beaches in the Caribbean, yet so full of wildlife. Sea lions were resting along the beach and blue-footed boobies were fishing along the coast. Some of us took the opportunity to go swimming here and relax for the rest of the afternoon.

After returning to the ship we navigated toward Kicker Rock, a satellite islet of San Cristobal, to enjoy a beautiful farewell sunset. It was a very special experience in paradise! A beautiful and relaxing end of our expedition in Galapagos and Ecuador!