It is the last day of our exploration at the upper amazon. We have had a magnificent week! We have seen a jaguar, giant anacondas, capybaras, macaws, pink dolphins, gray dolphins, hoatzins, horn screamers, and thousands of birds, reptiles and plants. The amazon is a territory the size of United States of North America and holds the majority of the biodiversity of our planet; it is a place to know, to experience it; it is not only animals and plants, it is also indigenous people that see the world from another point of view.

We came to explore Supay Creek, it is a great area for birds, we saw trogons, flycatchers, hawks, cardinals, and Aracaris, it was a nice morning having fun in our skiffs, while other adventurous guests went to kayak along the river. Then later in our ship our chef was teaching to all our guests how to prepare Peruvian ceviche, which is the most traditional dish; it is prepared with fish marinated in lemon juice, and the add onions, peppers, garlic, salt, etc. they had a lot of fun learning about the Peruvian cuisine.

In the afternoon we went to Puerto Miguel, it is a very small village of about 500 hundred people; they have a very nice handicraft market where the elaborated with their hands many products made of chambira, a type of fiber from a palm tree, also the make some paintings and wood carving. After supporting the economy of the little place we went to see a lagoon where tons a water lily pads grow. Then the river Yarapa offered to us one more time a variety of wildlife, but the frosting on the cake was the big show that monkeys offered to us. They are living in a very small island and where performing for us, jumping from branch to branch and making acrobatic movements.

About 6:00 pm we came back on board, as always the crewmembers were waiting for us with a cold juice to cool off, meanwhile the bartender was preparing pisco sour at the bar. Somebody exclaimed! While the sky turned orange and flocks of birds where flying back home. Many great memories are in our minds of this unforgettable week, new friends, new experiences, but it is time to say goodbye to this magical world, where the time passes very slow, all the problems are gone; it is like living a dream, an astonishing dream.