This windy morning, we sailed into the beautiful island of Tinos, the northernmost island we visit on the trip and the third largest in the Cyclades. Historically, the island is unique because it resisted Turkish domination until 1716, long after most of the other islands. Architecturally, it still has a Venetian influence.

After a tender ride to shore, we boarded buses for a scenic one-hour bus ride to the small town of Pyrgos, famous for marble. Along the way, we pass a plethora of Venetian "dovecotes," which are ornate pigeon coops. Once we arrived in Pyrgos, our local guides, Smaro and Roula, led us on a short orientation walk through the town. Afterwards, guests had a chance to explore the small alleys, shops, and cafés on their own. One of the most unique things about the town are the marble plaques and carvings. Afterwards, we visited the small Museum of Marble before returning to the town of Tinos.

Back at the port, we visit the Church of Panagia Evangelistria, one of the most sacred in Greece. It's a very important and popular pilgrimage site where many people climb up the church on their knees. After lunch, Captain John took advantage of the windy conditions to raise a few sails because the wind was going in the same direction we needed to go! Afterwards, guests got a chance to tour the engine rooms. For dinner, we enjoyed a lovely maritime feast on the Lido Deck before a special performance of the famous Sea Cloud Sea Shanty Singers singing their favorite sea-inspired tunes.