Today started with us in the Ionian Sea, readying ourselves for an early morning sail. After breakfast, we heard a play-by-play description of how the crew climbs the riggings to set the sails. As the wind nudged us along, we were introduced to the onboard staff as well as the local Greek cultural specialist before we heard our photo instructor give a presentation on photography composition. We took time to relax and get acquainted with the ship before a delicious lunch was served on the Lido Deck. Then the captain informed us that the winds were just right for a surprise photo safari. The crew loaded willing participants into Zodiacs to get a 360-degree view of Sea Cloud under full sail.

Once back on board, our historian gave a talk on the history, art, and architecture of Ancient Greece. With a full day almost behind us, the crew took in the sails and we were treated to a welcome cocktail party. We wrapped up our first day with a delicious dinner as we looked forward to our first landing, in Katakolon, the next day.