We woke south of Korčula Island to considerably lower winds than our day at Hvar with even some brief periods of sunshine. However, passing rain squalls delayed our sailing talk. The captain took us a little farther out from land and steered for the sunshine, and before too long we found an area of sustained clear weather. The mast teams hit the rigging while, from the spanker deck, Chief Officer Heiner gave a narration to events unfolding above. By the time the sailors were finished, we saw a beautiful array of upper and lower topsails, course sails including the “bikini” on the mizzen mast, t’gallant sails and the flying jib sails. Guests were invited to the foc’sle (forecastle) to enjoy the view and to ask more questions. Also this morning, Tom Heffernan gave his lecture “The Wildly Surreal and Sadly True Story of Venice and the Fourth Crusade.”

Following our lunch, the captain brought Sea Cloud to her anchorage off the east side of Korčula Town. For the later afternoon, we tendered ashore in beautiful weather for our walking tour with cultural specialist Petra and local guide Stanka. The medieval Venetian town perhaps never looked better as we made visits to the small central square, the cathedral, the small museum in the bishop’s palace, the Icon Museum and the Church of All Saints. Guests enjoyed some time at leisure before we met at the bottom of the graceful town stairs for the short walk over to the theater. There, we witnessed the sword clashing of the Moreska Dance, telling of kings and armies fighting over the love of captive princess Bula. Sparks flew, and even a few broken swords were sent flying as well.

Guests retuned to the ship for dinner, though a few intrepid guests enjoyed dinner ashore before returning in time for the “ALL ABOARD!” at 11 p.m.