We are now at the farthest point into the jungle from our starting point; today we are going to have a long journey of discovery visiting this primary ecological system called Pacaya River; this River is a major tributary of the Ucayali River. We had breakfast early and at 7:oo we took or skiffs in order to navigate the Pacaya; At this time of the year the rivers are coming lower and lower in their levels, it exposes the river banks that becomes beaches where storks and different types of herons come to find food. We motored for about two hours and a half, along our way we saw many of the wildlife that are able to see close to the civilization; deep in the jungle you find big flocks of many type of birds, reptiles and mammals such as manatees and capybaras; Many of the sea water turtles were seen basking under the sun to benefit their thermoregulatory metabolism, Horn screamers are humongous birds that make a very loud donkey-like sound and were seen along our ride; jabirus and storks are also incredible birds to see. After trying many time to spot monkeys finally we saw a group of them jumping on trees.

We ended at Yarina lake, a very remote place in the jungle, there we stopped for a picnic-style lunch in the middle of the forest surrounded by nature, I was a great experience for all of us, we felt the spirit of adventure and we came out of our comfortable zone to experience this unique journey; we really enjoyed it.

Our way back to our ship took more than two hours and a half, but it was pleasant to stop every time we spotted some animal, turtles, caimans, or birds; finally we arrived to our ship, exhausted but very happy, we rested for couple of hours to recover our energies, and then at 5:oo pm our experts cabin boys were teaching how to fold towels and make some beautiful figures of jungle animals, then the bar was open to relax in the open lounge to admire one more time the jungle sunsets, by the way, they are so special, because the clouds, the emerald jungle and the sky reflect on the water. We really enjoyed a very special day in this astonishing world.