Today our expedition followed in the the footsteps of Odysseus, sailing the path he took on his escape from the anger of Homer’s monsters Scylla and Charybdis. Yes, this morning we passed through the Strait of Messina, which is the narrow passage between the eastern tip of Sicily and the western tip of Calabria in the south of Italy. As we entered the Strait it marked our exit from the Tyrrhenian Sea and into the Ionian Sea.

After a dry landing and a short bus ride around Taormina, we walked up a long cobbled street to get to an ancient Greek theater that is still used for local events and shows.

After lunch we repositioned the Sea Cloud, had a dry landing, and then climbed aboard a bus for a 30 minute ride to the Castello degli Schiavi, a privately owned castle. This phenomenal 18th-century home was the setting for many scenes in the Godfather films.

We enjoyed a special private dinner in the medieval-style underground restaurant. Wine, live Italian music, lights, and an inspiring mix of flavors and culture proved to be a great way to finish our day in Taormina.